Mega Yoga

Mega Yoga

Once heralded and esteemed, yoga conferences have lost much of their appeal as livelier yoga festivals have come into emergence and birthed new forms of yoga events. Large-scale gatherings and demonstrations, happening under the auspices of group yoga practice, are setting new precedents and are emblematic of ever expanding roles yoga is playing in our culture.

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Yoga Extremism

Yoga Extremism

Polarization seems rampant across all sectors of modern life. Debates on money, politics, religion, and even yoga, readily devolve into diametrically opposed camps. Moderate voices are lost in the din of intolerance and most folks understandably turn away from the discussion with disgust or lament. But without someone staking the middle ground, and others who embrace and support it, chances are the problems of the day will continue unabated.

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Hustle, Unplug, Repeat

Hustle, Unplug, Repeat

Statistics show that Americans are working harder, for longer hours, and are more productive than ever. Yet, few are getting ahead and most are grateful if they can just make ends meet. As stress-related illnesses account for an increasing number of doctor visits, the call to slow down and unplug has gotten louder. But juggling the demands of worldly life can often end up at odds with being attentive to our individual needs.

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Slow Yoga Revolution

Slow Yoga Revolution

On the outskirts of the last decade, a small and humble minority has been pushing back against the pumped up power craze that swept through the nineties, and still largely has a hold on modern postural yoga. Now that the longstanding kingdoms that once guarded yoga's legacies have fallen, and individuals are left more to their own devices, this once obscure and unsung song is finding a new chorus of practitioners.

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Yoga Teacher As Friend

Yoga Teacher As Friend

The traditional roles of yoga teacher and student have collapsed under the weight of cultural appropriation, capitalism, and scandal. In the aftermath, yoga teachers often find themselves trapped in a nowhere land somewhere between fitness instructor and life coach. But yoga is learned in relationship, so for yoga teachings to retain integrity in the modern world, updated models may be required.

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Brave New Yoga World

Brave New Yoga World

It’s hard times for yoga teachers. That may be hard to believe to outsiders who see more money being made off yoga than ever before. But, for anyone attempting to make a living at it, the aftershocks of economic mores have certainly narrowed the field of opportunity. And industry aside, it seems the shiny new romance between yoga and modern culture is fading and the nitty gritty of a long term relationship is being hashed out.

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